
QUADtouch is a compact cluster of 4 touch pads. No button push is necessary. Simply place your finger on the contact area to trigger the switch. QUADtouch is a USB device so the 4 buttons are initially preset. The functions can be easily remapped in the XAC configuration utility on the XBOX console to any other functions. Make it a DPAD, ABXY cluster, or any other grouping of 4 controller functions you want. QUADtouch also has an analog joystick port to use instead of the X1/X2 joystick ports on the XAC. QUADtouch comes with 3’ USB cord.
XAC is shown for size reference only and is not included in the purchase price.
email info@warfighterengaged.org if interested or if you have any questions about this product.
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